Despite the promises of Pilates and thigh devices created in the 80s, thigh sculpting isn’t easily achieved through fitness. Your thigh muscles can be strong while still stubbornly holding on to fat cells that make your thighs look thicker than you’d like. If you have stubborn, unwanted inner or outer thigh fat, it could be genetic. For this type of fat, the best solution is to reduce or remove it with professional body contouring treatments like liposuction or CoolSculpting for thighs.
CoolSculpting for Thighs in Indianapolis
From your chin to your thighs, CoolSculpting reduces unwanted, stubborn fat. A CoolSculpting for thighs treatment can include the inner and/or outer thighs, achieving a thigh gap (inner thighs) or reducing the appearance of saddlebags (outer thighs).
How does CoolSculpting for thighs work?
CoolSculpting for thighs works just like other treatment areas, using precise cooling to freeze fat cells. We can treat one or both thighs during a single session, which can be completed during your lunch hour. CoolSculpting is non-surgical and non-invasive, requiring no needles or numbing.
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As every patient is unique, treatment requirements vary, including the number of applications you’ll need to see results. Discuss this with your provider during your consultation.
What to Expect During Your CoolSculpting for Inner Thighs Treatment
CoolSculpting is particularly good at targeting the inner thighs, which are nearly impossible to target with diet and exercise alone. This is one area that is difficult to tighten and tone with cardio and strength training. However, you can see amazing results with CoolSculpting if you are already close to your ideal weight.

CoolSculpting for the inner thighs uses a special suction applicator that is attached to your skin with a gel pad. Once the treatment begins, your skin and fat will be sucked into the device and squeezed between two metal plates that cool the area dramatically and quickly. Because your fat cells are more affected by cold temperatures than the rest of your body’s cells are, they will begin to crystallize and die without harming your skin or other surrounding tissue.
After your treatment is complete, your aesthetician will remove the CoolSculpting applicator, revealing a hard, frozen area. Your aesthetician will gently but firmly massage the area by hand or with our Z-Wave device to break up the frozen fat cells. Over the next few weeks, your own body will do the rest of the work, slowly flushing the fat cells through your lymphatic system.
What to Expect During Your CoolSculpting for Outer Thighs Treatment
CoolSculpting for the outer thighs is much the same as it is for the inner thighs, though applicators may vary depending on your needs, including how much pinchable fat is available to treat.
Results Following CoolSculpting for Thighs Treatments
Results vary from person to person. You may see results after your initial application within a few weeks. Two or more applications, spaced out over a few months, are the norm with CoolSculpting treatments.
To measure your results, we will take before and after photos for your review. This helps you visualize your results, as fat cells diminish over time. We also recommend taking your measurements before and after.
Once your full treatment series is completed, your clothes will fit better, and you will feel more confident in shorts and bathing suits during the warmer summer months.
Following your CoolSculpting for thighs treatments, you may wish to improve your results further with cellulite treatments and topical products that help with contouring and cellulite reduction. Discuss your options with one of our aestheticians.
What about the fat on the back of my thighs?

CoolSculpting also treats fat on the back of your upper legs/below the buttocks (banana roll). Discuss your areas of concern with your aesthetician during your consultation. We will form a custom treatment plan to treat each of the areas where you want to reduce stubborn diet- and exercise-resistant fat.
Can I get CoolSculpting on more than one treatment area simultaneously?
We can perform CoolSculpting on two areas simultaneously. This means that we place one applicator on each of your inner thighs or each of your outer thighs, or on one inner and one outer thigh, depending on your needs. We can also place one applicator on each of your flanks (love handles), as another example.
What if I want faster results?
The benefit of CoolSculpting is that it’s non-surgical and non-invasive. However, this means results can take two or more months to achieve. If you wish to see faster, even immediate results, we recommend tumescent liposuction. While liposuction is a surgical procedure, tumescent liposuction uses local instead of general anesthesia, allowing you to remain awake during the procedure.
For more information, please also read:
What if my aesthetician says CoolSculpting isn’t right for me?
CoolSculpting is safe and effective for most patients; however, no procedure is right for everyone. If it turns out, during your consultation, that we find that you aren’t a good candidate for CoolSculpting, don’t give up. Schedule a consultation with Dr. C. William Hanke, board-certified dermatologic surgeon, to discuss tumescent liposuction as a possible solution for you.
Schedule a CoolSculpting for Thighs Consultation in Indianapolis
You can feel confident when you choose the Laser and Skin Surgery Center of Indiana for CoolSculpting in Indianapolis. Not only will you benefit from this FDA-approved treatment for unwanted fat, but you will also receive your treatment from well-trained and experienced aestheticians working under Dr. C. William Hanke.
Dr. Hanke has earned a stellar reputation in cosmetic and dermatologic surgery. He has lectured in 25 countries and performed live surgery in seven countries. Dr. Hanke has been listed consistently in America’s Top Docs as well as Best Doctors in America. If you are ready to experience lasting change with liposuction or CoolSculpting for thighs, we encourage you to contact us at the Laser and Skin Surgery Center of Indiana, recognized as a leader throughout the state since 1997.