Even when following a healthy diet and getting regular exercise, you may still struggle with pockets of stubborn fat around your body. You might think that the idea of undergoing an invasive procedure like liposuction may be too much. What if those areas of stubborn fat could be reduced and even eliminated through a completely noninvasive procedure? That is precisely what you will get by undergoing CoolSculpting in Indianapolis at the Laser and Skin Surgery Center of Indiana. Any other questions you have are likely answered below in our CoolSculpting FAQs.
CoolSculpting FAQs Answered
When you come in for your initial consultation with an aesthetician from our team, they will fill you in about everything that you need to know. In the meantime, get answers to commonly asked questions in the CoolSculpting FAQs below.
What Is CoolSculpting?
CoolSculpting is a noninvasive treatment for reducing and eliminating pockets of stubborn fat across eight different areas of the body. The procedure utilizes cryolipolysis technology to gently target and freeze fat cells in areas like the underarms, the flanks and below the chin. The cells are cooled to just above freezing through the use of a high-tech applicator that is applied only to the surface of the skin. The action of freezing the fat cells causes them to wither away and eventually die. The body eliminates these fat cells through the lymphatic system for up to four months, revealing a more sculpted physique over time.
Am I an Ideal Candidate?
This procedure has been FDA-cleared for the noninvasive reduction and elimination of fat from certain areas of the body. While this procedure will reduce fat from the body, it is not intended for weight loss and will not help you lose weight.
You may be an ideal candidate for CoolSculpting if you are:
- age 18+
- at or near your ideal weight
- have stubborn pockets of fat you want to eliminate
- prefer to avoid surgical procedures
Which Areas of the Body Can Be Addressed by the CoolSculpting Procedure?
Although CoolSculpting is not designed to help you lose weight, it can help reduce or eliminate areas of fat in eight specific areas of the body. These areas tend to be common “problem areas” for many adult men and women, and the fat that builds up in these places often doesn’t respond well to diet and exercise.

The CoolSculpting procedure is FDA-approved for the treatment of the following trouble spots:
- double chin (submental fullness)
- belly fat (upper and lower abdominal areas)
- love handles (flanks)
- thighs (inner and outer thighs)
- bra area
- back fat
- banana roll (beneath the buttocks)
- upper arm fat
How Much Does CoolSculpting Cost?
This should honestly be at the top of our list of CoolSculpting FAQs, as it is one of the most common questions we receive.
CoolSculpting cost is determined by:
- The area of the body being targeted
- The number of treatments required
- The type of applicator used
- Your long-term goals and objectives
Check with your aesthetician for more specific details on the cost of the procedure.
Who Should Not Undergo CoolSculpting Treatments?
CoolSculpting is a safe, noninvasive, and nonsurgical procedure for the reduction and elimination of unwanted fat. Although the treatment is safe and effective for the vast majority of people, it is not suitable for certain individuals. If the following applies to you, this procedure may not be right for you:
- You are obese and want to lose weight.
- You suffer from one of the following conditions: cold agglutinin disease, cryoglobulinemia, or paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria.
Always check with your doctor before undergoing any medical procedure.
How Long Can I Expect a Single CoolSculpting Treatment to Take?
Each application takes about 30-60 minutes, depending on the applicator being used. If you choose to treat more than one area during a single appointment, it could take longer. Note that this time does not include preparation time or aftercare associated with the treatment, which can include massage of the area to break up fat cells. Discuss expectations with your aesthetician to ensure you block out enough time in your schedule.
Is CoolSculpting Actually Safe?

It is normal to be wary of any medical procedure, even one that is noninvasive and FDA-cleared like CoolSculpting. This procedure was first cleared in the United States by the FDA in 2010. At the time, it was only approved for the elimination and reduction of fat along the abdomen, which is sometimes referred to as “love handles” or a “muffin top.” In the ensuing years, CoolSculpting was cleared by the FDA for the treatment of seven additional areas.
This procedure has been extensively researched in hundreds of clinical trials through the years. Results from this clinical research have appeared in more than 100 clinical publications. More than 6 million CoolSculpting treatments have been successfully performed, making it one of the most popular noninvasive treatments for stubborn body fat in the world.
Are There Any Side Effects From the CoolSculpting Procedure?
As with any medical procedure, there are some risks involved, and everyone will tolerate the injections differently. Side effects are relatively minor, though, and are usually rare.
What Does It Feel Like to Undergo the CoolSculpting Procedure?
The CoolSculpting procedure is safe and gentle. Anesthesia is not required. During the first few minutes following application, you will experience sensations of intense cold. These sensations will gradually wane. You may experience sensations of pulling or tugging with the applicator. Within about 10 to 15 minutes of starting the procedure, numbness should set in over the treatment area.
When the procedure is over, you may experience sensations of tingling across the treatment area. Your aesthetician will gently massage the area to help bring sensation back more quickly and easily.
What Happens to Frozen Fat Cells?
The CoolSculpting applicator and device cool to a precise temperature that freezes fat cells without damaging surrounding tissue. Unlike weight loss treatments, this process doesn’t shrink the cells: It eliminates them. Cryolipolysis freezes and destroys targeted fat cells in the treatment area. Once frozen, your lymphatic system flushes them away. Your body will not create new fat cells; once they are gone, they are good for good.
When Can I Resume My Regular Activities?
Another common question among our CoolSculpting FAQs relates to downtime, as most patients seeking non-surgical treatments wish to avoid it. Considering how effective CoolSculpting is, it’s easy to assume that you will need some downtime following the procedure. In reality, though, it is so gentle and noninvasive that patients are able to resume their regular activities right away. CoolSculpting is a completely outpatient procedure, and you will be able to leave and continue with your day after resting for a short period at the clinic.
Therefore, you will not need to take any time off work to recover from your CoolSculpting treatment, and you can resume your regular activities without missing a beat.
Can I Eliminate My Double Chin With CoolSculpting?
The FDA cleared CoolSculpting for double chin reduction in 2015. Double chin fat, also known as submental fullness, doesn’t tend to respond effectively to diet and exercise. In fact, genetics and heredity are largely responsible for stubborn submental fullness. Thankfully, CoolSculpting is one of two FDA-approved treatments for double chin reduction. Kybella also reduces double chin fat, which we also offer here at the LASSI.
What Happens Next?
After completing your first CoolSculpting treatment, you will probably wonder where to go from there. Typically, you will schedule a follow-up appointment immediately following your first treatment. At this appointment, an assessment regarding the results of your treatment will be performed. At this point, additional treatments of the targeted area may be recommended, and you can schedule those treatments if you would like. Additional target areas may also be pinpointed during this assessment, and you may discuss plans for treating those areas with CoolSculpting in the future.
You will be advised to maintain a healthy diet and to get regular exercise to make the most of your CoolSculpting treatments.
Will I Have to Follow a Special Diet and Exercise Regimen After My CoolSculpting Treatment?
CoolSculpting is not a weight loss procedure. There is no special diet or exercise regimen you must follow with a CoolSculpting treatment. There are no shakes or supplements. You should, however, maintain your healthy lifestyle. While CoolSculpting permanently destroys targeted fat cells, remaining fat cells can still expand and cause weight gain if you do not maintain a healthy lifestyle.
How Quickly Can I Expect to See Results?
Noticeable CoolSculpting results can take two to four months following each application. We recommend a minimum of six weeks between applications. Depending on your goals, you will require two or more applications on a single treatment area to see full results.
Could I Gain Weight After Undergoing CoolSculpting Treatments?
Since CoolSculpting kills fat cells in targeted areas of the body, people often assume that this means that they no longer have to worry about gaining fat in those places. While the procedure kills fat cells, it tends to successfully eliminate around 20 to 25 percent of them. Your remaining fat cells can still expand for weight gain, so it’s important to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
How Do I Get Started With CoolSculpting?
The first step in getting started with CoolSculpting is to locate a qualified provider in your area. If you live in Indiana, the Laser and Skin Surgery Center of Indiana is an optimal option. Since 1997, our facility has provided accredited medical and cosmetic dermatology treatments. We participated, and continue to participate, in clinical trials for BOTOX, Juvederm, and other treatments. We are proud to offer CoolSculpting treatments, and the first step is to contact us to schedule a consultation with one of our aestheticians. During this initial appointment, you will learn everything that you need to know about the procedure, and our team will develop a personalized treatment plan to help you get the most out of CoolSculpting technology.
Why Should I Choose the Laser and Skin Surgery Center of Indiana for CoolSculpting?
The Laser and Skin Surgery Center of Indiana is accredited by the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care, or AAAHC. Our facility is led by Dr. C. William Hanke, a board-certified dermatologic surgeon who has been recognized as one of the top dermatologists in Indianapolis. Dr. Hanke has been honored as a Top Doc by Indianapolis Monthly and US News and World Report, and he was the first physician in the U.S. to be awarded a triple professorship. Dr. Hanke and his aestheticians perform thousands of procedures every year, including numerous CoolSculpting procedures.
Have More Questions Not Included In Our CoolSculpting FAQs?
If you have any questions about CoolSculpting after reviewing the above FAQs, the Laser and Skin Surgery Center of Indiana is here to help. Browse our website for more information about what we have to offer, and contact us to schedule a consultation with one of our skilled aestheticians today. We look forward to assisting you!